Electronic Components Distributor > Cosel > Switching power supplies > On-board type > STMGFW152405-N2 500pcs
Discontinued product
Category Switching power supplies
Manufacture Cosel
Stock Order
Ship date 8week (inquiry before Shipment)
Price US$14,815.00
Standard Packing Qty 1pc
Minimum Order Qty 500pcs
Quantity cart
Cosel On-board type STMGFW152405-N2  500pcs

Power supplies
On-board type

Isolated unit type DC-DC converter
RoHS compliance

Optional: With DIN rail installation type
Rated Output Wattage: 15W
Rated Output Voltage: ±5 or ±10V
Rated Output Current: 1.5A
Rated Input Voltage: DC9 to 36V
Rated Input Current: 0.74A
Efficiency: 84%
Net weight: 120g

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Model No Quantity Price Unit Price SPQ Ship date
STMGFW152405-N2 5pcs 5pcs US$188.95 US$37.79 1pc 3week
STMGFW152405-N2 100pcs 100pcs US$3,170.00 US$31.70 1pc 6week
STMGFW152405-N2 500pcs 500pcs US$14,815.00 US$29.63 1pc 8week